Simon Jones


Simon Jones

Simon Jones studied fine art at Camberwell College of Arts and John Moores University in Liverpool, graduating with a BA Honours. He also completed an MA in Systems Thinking at Monash University in Australia. He has lived in UK and Australia where he has held several successful group and solo exhibitions.  His work is held in collections in Mexico, Australia, Portugal and the UK. Simon now lives in London with his family. Simon’s work is inspired by life’s events, the things that he sees, that happen to, and around, him. It attempts to capture poignant moments of truth, often commenting on life’s absurdity and the paradoxes we experience. The paintings are not literal. His practice  attempts to access a truth through the subconscious. A place that is experiential, beyond words or logical thinking. The works are intended to connect to the viewer at an emotional level. They recognise that perception is faulty, the interconnection of everything and the suffering people feel. The paintings capture these moments.